Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am running out of weekends in Peru…

Friday was a successful day. Worked at the hospital in the morning and worked in Medicina, which is one of my favorites now, mostly just because I have worked there a lot and am really close with a lot of the kids. We worked on writing thank you notes to another group of women who do volunteer work at the hospitals. I believe they deliver meals and diapers to the rooms, however I do not see them much so I am really not 100% sure. After the kids finished their cards, I hopped from room to room, teaching Anthony his random English words of the day, chatting with Claudia, Jennifer and Leidy about daily life, chasing around Mario and he caused chaos with the nurses and just enjoying the hectic morning.

After the hospital, I met up with Kyle, Jessa and Leah and we headed to Barranco to try this restarautn called “Burrito Bar” that I had read about in an article. It sounded to me just like chipotle. GUESS WHAT? It is just like Chipotle!!!! The owner of the store is British and has been living in Peru for about a year and a half. He needed to start working to make some money so he opened this little hole in the wall! The words out of his mouth were literally, “just like chipotle right?” It was delicioussss! So good just to have a fresh, spicy burrito with guacamole! Then, we ditched Kyle and went shopping at the Inca Market in Miraflores near Parque Kennedy and made some quality purchases, INCLUDING ugly pants, which is by far the greatest thing I will bring home with me from Peru. Pictures to come one day when I wear them and the you will all be able to understand the beauty that is ugly pants. Picture to come NOW is the last bites of my semi-chipotle burrito bar burrito!

By the evening, my brain was tired from the shopping and constant Spanish speaking combo, so I rested a bit before going out for the night.

Saturdays at the hospital feel almost like a completely different place. There are no homeworks, no rules, no checking things out, it’s just, what can we do to have fun with these kids?? And then we go do it! The theme this weekend was animals, so I brought a bunch of arts and crafts stuff to make masks and fun animal like thingys. However, much to my surprise, the room I entered had about 10 children under the age of 4, and only two kids who were old enough to appreciate an art activity. So, needless to say I spent a good 20 minutes running around the hospital to the other salas looking for my coworkers to steal a toy from each of them so that my little kiddies could have something to do! After things finally settled down, I set up one little boy with stuff to make a mask and he worked with his mom on it the whole time. Everytime I poked my head into his room, he would frantically and excitedly call me in to show me his progress. I spent a good half hour with Arecely teaching her new English phrases. She already knew a large chunk of vocabulary. She was able to count to 40, knew colors, a handful of animals, and a few important phrases such as how are you, what is your name, I am nine years old. However, we worked on some more stuff and she was absolutely delighted to learn. I failed in calming Denise, a 3 year old girl who had to get blood drawn, but I did my best and held her in my lap while the nurses poked her teeny tiny arms with a much to large needle (for my liking anyways). I wanted to tell her that it doesn’t get any less scary when you are older, but I didn’t think that would help at the time. It made me remember getting woken up in the hospital at 6:30 every morning for a good week to get blood drawn. I could sympathize with the poor girl. One minute, she is just relaxing playing blocks with this white girl who speaks Spanish funny, and the next, she is being stabbed! Unfair…

At 12 I packed up my stuff, recapped and cleaned up with the others in the volunteer house/office and hopped on the bus to go home. I decided to hop on a different bus this time that I knew would take me close enough to my house. It ended up working out really well as I got off close to Wong, where Jessa, Zach, Katy and Mikayla were shoppin so I was able to enjoy the beautiful sunny day with them and walk a few blocks home!

Zach hung out for a while, we planned a trip for next weekend then Jessa and I chilled for the rest of the day!
Today was business as usual. Run, family lunch, chill time.

Que buena vida, no?

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