Wednesday, August 3, 2011

*from one Wong to another...

Today was in some ways a more low key kind of day. We only had to sign up for classes but we had our first transporation communication failure. It wasn’t an adventure or even a funny story, it was just us being kinda stupid. But we ended up only being a bit late and it was fine because we ended up having more time to talk and think about classes and learn things from Kelly, the director of USIL, about Peru. Since we finished earlier today, (home by 2) we had a more normal time lunch, I had some sort of sliced pork with rice and a creamy lentil kind of side.
After we finished, Jessa and I walked to meet the other girls at Wong: a grocery store with a little extra stuff, but easiest to compare to a grocery store. A bit of an interesting adventure because there are two Wongs in walking distance and we didn’t all meet together right away but thank goodness for our new cellphones!! We fidured it out, spent a long time exploring the store and (here comes a bit of scandalous information…) A couple of us bought alcohol! How exciting! Although, I am not sure if you can call the mostly juice/sugar “wine” we got alchohol, but it was an experience none the less. ( I think the proof was 4%) We then went home and sat on the floor and ate Inca Chips, drank wine and played banana grams! I am really liking this group of girls we have going and I am so glad we all live so close to be able to hang out all the time!
After they left Jessa and I had dinner, which was a more typical dinner, we had an omlete (mine with ham and Jessa’s with vegetables because she is a seafood but not meat eater) strawberries and some bread. We also had some nice warm tea.
I don’t think I mentioned the weather yet but let me tell you-It is cold. It is 60-65 degrees but when the sun is never out (never, ever, ever out) it doesn’t really feel like 65 does at home. We are in pants, long sleeves and a jacket every day. It is not unbearable and I am doing fine but it is definitely colder than I expected because of the lack of sun. 65 is not pants and sweatshirt and scarf and boots weather in San Jose or in San Diego…
Tomorrow I am going to the hospital that I am going to work at to check things out with Maria Elena, the elap (which is the volunteer program I will be doing) director and then after we are taking a Spanish placement test to see which Spanish class we will take during the year. While I was planning to go study for said test now, Alvaro’s friends are here and they have challenged me to a game of poker so, how can I refuse?? I must go play!

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