Saturday, August 6, 2011

Palabrites! (La playa)

Leah’s family has a beach house about an hour or so south of where we live and they invited us for Friday and Saturday. The drive was so interesting because we got to see a very different Peru than where we have been living. In Miraflores and Central Lima, there is traffic, nice cars, McDonalds, and high end housing, just like any gigantic city in the world. But on this drive, we saw the slums, a lot of dirt, a lot of empty space, a lot of empty walls and a lot of political graffiti. There was not a lot of green, it was mostly dirt mountains and dirt holes, and what looked like miles and miles of land that was under construction. We tried to take pictures of the drive but it will be hard to get a sense of what it really was.
When we arrived, it was sort of a gated community with lots of beach condos, rows and rows, and we were maybe the only ones there. Keep in mind, it is the dead of winter right now, but that did not make this any less exciting for us! We dropped of our stuff and put on our sweatshirts and walked along the beach. It was wonderful to feel that fresh costal air in place of the downtown air we have been in so far. The sound of the waves gave me a slight twinge of homesickness as I realized I am missing San Diego early fall, the best beach time, but it left as quick as it came when I remembered how incredible it was that I was walking in the same pacific ocean as my teammates and having the experience of a lifetime.
We ate an amazing lunch as usual and then Jessa and I ran on the boardwalk and I inhaled as much clean air as a possible to take home with me. We stayed up late hanging out on the patio with Marcos (Leahs ‘brother’) and Yayo, his friend and finally went to bed around 2 am,  the three of us gals snuggled up under our blankets.
After a slow start this afternoon with car troubles, and lots of pushing Marcos’s car along the road, we finally got back to Miraflores just in time for dinner and a nap before we head out for the evening. What’s a weekend beach adventure without a little car trouble?

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