Monday, August 15, 2011

Pizza and Pinkberry!

Arriving to the hospital on Tuesday morning I was really excited to see the girls because I had spent some time thinking about what other stuff I could bring to their room for us to play with but was extremely sad/happy to see that Estefani had left to go home.  She, like the other girls in the unit I was working in had some type of lower body trauma injury. In the time I was working there, she did not have on a cast or anything but from the looks of it is was a problem with her leg. I am glad she was doing well enough to go home but so sad to see her go because I found a puzzle about different countries and I was so excited to teach her! But it was a great day with the three girls nonetheless. The oldest girl is starting rehab for her leg and is up and about on a walker sometimes. One of the other girls, Britany, has a cast all the way around her hip/waist area and cannot really sit up very well. They all progress at different rates and starting next week I think I will be working with different rooms and different units.

We decided to eat dinner at La Calle de Las Pizzas (Pizza Street) in Miraflores and we had a great time. This is a touristy spot in my opinion and when we arrived out of the taxi, and met up with a few other friends making us about 8 American students, we were immediately followed by waiters and waitresses from every restaurant promising us free drinks! Two free drinks! You like wine? We have beer! And it was very entertaining. We finally picked a place, and got our free pisco sours. They were quite…sour… But it was quite exciting to have my first pisco sour! We ordered a few pizzas to share and just had a really fun dinner. Afterwards we walked around, got some frozen yogurt at Pinkberry (yay globalization!) and perused a flea market in Parque Kennedy.

Wednesday was orientation for all international students at USIL (my university) and there is quite a group. I think the number was around 90 or 95. There are students from all over the place, France, Germany, Colombia, Spain and we will be mixed in with the rest of the population of Peruvian students at the school. I will be taking classes on Tuesdays (Intro to Gastronomy 11-1, Spanish 3-5), Wednesdays (History of Contemporary Peru 9-12, Spanish 3-5) and Thursdays (Bar workshop/management 8-11, Gastronomy 11-1 and Spanish 3-5). I will be working at the hospital on Mondays and Fridays and some Saturdays as well. I am excited to start school in the sense that I am looking forward to meeting new people and practicing my Spanish with Peruvian students, and I hope to not stress about it and just have a fun time learning.
At the orientation we also got to see one of the schools dance clubs and a music club perform and it was really fun. I am going to look into taking a dance class or something at the school if I have time, although I doubt I will…

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