Saturday, August 6, 2011


Thursday was quite a day. In 100% a good way. I woke up early to go to the hospital for my first shift at the hospital. I really feel as though my volunteer experience is going to need a whole other blog for itself, but I will try to not gush about it too much, but please forgive me if I do. The other people working there were fantastic people. Peruvian students, Peruvian adults, and I met three other American girls, two from Virginia and one from Saratoga who is currently attending Stanford. So of course, we clicked right away and they had me go with her so we could do my first day in pairs. I worked in a ‘trauma unit’ more or less and worked in a room with 4 girls, ages 6, 7, 7 and 15. These girls were incredible cute, incredible sweet and so excited to be hanging out with us. We decorated masks, leaving me with glue, magic marker and paint all over my arms, and they were quite the artists. Or at least, compared to what I could have done with some glitter, feathers and a paper cut out mask. I was with them from 9-12 and it was wonderful. I wish I could work there every day. However, hay problemas. It is a 40 minute bus ride the other direction from my school. (which is also a 40 minute bus ride) and they only have morning shifts and I have classes in the mornings three days a week D: It is a shame but I am going to be there as much as possible.
After that we took our Spanish placement test which wasn’t too bad and we got to mingle with a lot of the other international students from all over the place who are also studying at USIL. We also got to spend a little more time on the campus and of course got more practice with taking the bus back and forth.
It was a very busy day with a very rushed lunch in between work and school but I enjoyed it because it felt like how a regular week day should feel like! I think I am going to get the hang of this pretty fast.

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent, it sounds like you are already starting to get a feel for things. I feel like I'm still in somewhat of a limbo state. It's unfortunate about the school/hospital situation, although the volunteer experience will expose you to a whole other dimension of Peruvian reality and I'm sure it will be very valuable. :)
