Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Water parks in the winter

This weekend we went on a Mirabus (one of those double decker buses with a loud lady talking about everything that you pass by) and we were the funny people on top taking pictures of everything from the Cathedral to adorable small dogs. Or wait, maybe that was just me taking those pictures.... ANYWAY. It was quite fun, but pretty darn cold up on that bus zooming around Lima at night. We saw Central Lima in the night time and it was very pretty and there were lots of people. I am looking forward to going back sometime soon in the daylight and to walk around and see more things and take more pictures. We saw about 5 different weddings/wedding pictures take place that night, so obviously, its a great place for pictures!

Our final arrival destination on the bus before we headed back was this water park called Parque de la Reserva and it was so much fun! There are fountains all over the place! Some you can run through, some are colored, some move with music! It was like Disneyland in fountain form. All I kept thinking was how much fun this would be on a hot summer evening! A few people went through a fountain and got themselves wet, I decided against that but they looked like they had fun!

After we finished the Mirabus and got dropped off at Parque Kennedy, a group of us grabbed some Pinkberry (naturally) and then stayed out for the evening dancing and hanging out! It was quite a fun time!

On Sunday, our family lunch was at a Chifa restaurant! Now, these Peruvians are very proud of their Chifa. They tell us all the time, it is like your Chinese food, but with a Peruvian twist! Now, it was delicious and i enjoyed it very much, pretty much just tasted like Chinese food... In my opinion. Its possible that the dishes we ordered were not some of the more Peruvian influenced, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless! We had wontons, chicken dumplings, fried rice and more! Then, after, we went to a tea/gelato place and i had some AMAZZZZING ice cream and hot tea. It was fabulous. And of course, always a good time to hang out with the three brothers, mom and dad, because there is never a dull moment... This Sunday, Jessa and I "learned" that there is some sort of phrase that Pochy translated to us as "being a finger" that means "being annoying". We cannot quite figure out how she came about this translation, but we are big fans of the phrase. Now, whenever any of the boys are being dumb, we just say "Stop being a finger!!"

Also, just today, I learned in my History of Contemporary Peru class that the name "chifa" comes from the Chinese words "Chi fan" which mean to eat! I hope that's right or else I look dumb... but that's what my teacher said!

That is all for now folks!

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